Monday, April 18, 2011
James Suckling has left the Wine Spectator launched a new website to great fanfare.  Along with ex-Hollywood-hyphenate James Orr, he's out globe-trotting and making videos of his travels to wine stores, chateaux, and anywhere that will have him.  It is quite terrible to watch.

Particularly cringe-worthy are his segments at top wine retailers, where the store is charged with presenting five wines under $30 that rate 90 points or better in Suckling's estimation.   It also mostly shows just how dull watching someone else sniff, swirl and slurp wine is.  Maybe if one time he retched and said "this is fucking awful swill you cocksucker!"  But alas, no.  In the several episodes I've seen, only one wine rated lower than 90, and I think this shows just how little time tasters spend with any given wine before they put a score on it that is then forever etched in stone.

I was especially excited to see what valuable information I'd get, what secret gems he'd discover and reveal to those of us who paid the $14.95 monthly fee.  The 2007 Revello Nebbiolo he recommended linked to a Wine-Searcher page.  Lucky you, Denmark!  You're the only ones who can buy this diamond.  If you happen to be on Dronningens Tvaergade in Kobenhavn, ask Soren in the Italiensk vine section, and tell him I sent you!