Friday, April 15, 2011
Stupid Human Tricks
"Like to drink red wine?  Like to look good?"  Who doesn't, really?   A new website is asking because they've got just the thing to help you achieve both these goals at once.  

The reason they ask is that it seems that "every time you have your teeth professionally whitened, they tell you as you're leaving, 'If you drink red wine, use a straw.'"  And, incredibly, it seems that until now there wasn't a straw to use specifically for wine.  Well, friends, you can rest easy.  Wine straws are finally here!  Finally!  As in man's crowning achievement.  As in the thing we've all been waiting for.  As in the end of days.   

"No more wine-moustaches, no more purple teeth, and your lip gloss stays on your mouth."  I hadn't realized what a serious problem this was.  

"Voila!  The incredibly simple, yet genius way to drink red wine...without all that bothersome bouquet."  
Drink Red. Smile White.
