Saturday, April 16, 2011
Enjoy Yourself, It's Later than You Think
Bad news.  A friend of ours passed away this weekend.  He was a nice guy, well liked, successful, generous, loved wine.  We had a mutual friend who "owed" us a dinner at his house.  We were looking forward to it in that way that you don't really have a date or a plan, but we all agreed we'd get around to it before too long.  Emails were exchanged, messages were left and returned, somebody was supposed to follow up with somebody else when they got back from the trip to wherever they were going.

It's a real shame that it takes a tragedy like this to get you to thinking about how fragile life is and how the simple pleasure of sharing a prized bottle of wine with some friends adds a lot of color to your life.  The next time someone tells me, "we should get together soon," I'm going to make sure we do it, soon.

Here's some good advice someone dropped on me a while back: "Life is full of uncertainty...eat dessert first."