Friday, March 25, 2011
Whatever Happened To?
There is no end to the blogosphere.  It is endless.  Or is it?  I've been surfing around lately and have found any number of well-intentioned blogs that have run their course.  Or have very little left to say.

Two of the very best and funniest are, or more correctly were The Cork Jester (www.corkjester.com) and the HoseMaster of Wine (http://hosemasterofwine.blogspot.com/), both of which have gone sadly silent.  I miss you guys.

But what of the sites that go out of their way to draw you in, only to let you down?  I got an email from Clark-Claudon's weblog saying: you may view the latest post at  http://weblog.clarkclaudon.com/, only to find that the latest post was over two weeks ago, and the previous ones were spaced out about two months apart.  Here's a particularly inane posting:  "I love the smell in the winery right now; baby wine all fruity and lively as it goes to barrel.  I pull out the bung allowing all the wonderful aromas to leap out and then I stick in the “thief” to steal a taste."
