Thursday, September 16, 2010
Drinking the Kool-Aid
A smaller than usual group of Winos got together last night at The Grill on the Alley in Beverly Hills to try out some recent vintage cult-ish Cabs. Here's the line-up, then the analysis:
2004 Hundred Acre
2004 Lewelling “Wight”
2004 Schrader To-Kalon
2004 Levy & McClellan
2005 Futo
2005 Araujo
2005 Switchback Ridge
Araujo always wins, and last night was no exception. L&M is a joke at that price, but they sold it to RMP and he sold it to us, and we bought it hook, line and stinker. Most of the others hated the Schrader even more, and about the best that could be said of them is that they are "cocktail" cabs, meaning that they don't really work with food. I thought the Hundred Acre could've eaten my steak. Lewelling was a surprise runner-up, and at around $60, a steal.
For more on Araujo: