Monday, May 24, 2010
International Monetary Policy at Work for You!
Our friends at Woodland Hills Wine Co., upon whose expertise I rely for timely information on international monetary policy, assure me that because of the dramatic surge in the dollar vs. the euro over the last six months, we are reaping the benefits of wines we ordered out of Europe months ago that we are just now paying for. You wouldn't know it to look at him, but Kyle Smith could be the next Secretary of the IMF.
Exhibit A: Domaine de la Solitude Chateauneuf du Pape 2007 @ $31.95
Exhibit A: Domaine de la Solitude Chateauneuf du Pape 2007 @ $31.95
Parker says it is “seriously endowed…huge…rich…massive…a sleeper of the vintage, it is one of the region's best bargains if measuring dollars per points,” of which it got 93. FWIW: I, too, am seriously endowed.
Email Special $31.95 (enter code SOLCDP07 to receive special discount)